Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has been shown to be a very effective treatment for processing traumatic memories. I am so thankful that I sought training in EMDR! I use it with many of my clients and they have experienced significant relief in traumatic symptoms.

If you have experienced something difficult and the memory still bothers you, you may benefit from EMDR processing. Even if you don't meet criteria for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you may still be traumatized by an event and it could be impacting your life in a negative way. Trauma takes many forms. We may feel like "what happened to me isn't as bad as what someone else went through." This may be the case; however, there are many factors that go into how we respond to trauma.

There are other ways to treat trauma and EMDR may not be for everyone. Let's talk and see what might be the best option for you.